Further education

Masterclass expanded programme

The masterclass expanded programme is designed to further and deepen the student's skills as a freelance artist. The masterclass student will be appointed by their professor after the completion of the diploma programme in Fine Arts to promote the student's artistic development and career. The standard period of study is two semesters.

The master student programme concludes with an examination and an oberservation in the form of a final group exhibition with fellow master students - after successfully fullfilling the criteria, students are awarded the academic degree of "Master Student".

The master student programme, its linked exhibition and catalog production prepares students for independence as an artist, in addition to the other professionalisation opportunities offered by the Karlsruhe Art Academy.

To the Master Student Programme

To the list of master student exhibitions and catalogs


Contact study

The contact study programme is intended to enable particularly qualified university graduates as well as qualified professionals to further develop their artistic work and to deepen their professional experience. The contact study programme lasts a standard of two semesters.

A final examination cannot be taken. In its stead, a certificate of participation is issued by the Kunstakademie Karlsruhe.

Additional Tuition fees are charged for both the masterclass expanded programme and the contact study programme.


Statutes for further education of the Kunstakademie Karlsruhe

Fee statutes of the Kunstakademie Karlsruhe