Art History

The Art History/Art Science department delves into the processes and conceptualisations of art within historical and contemporary frameworks. By exploring various practices, functions, and theories of art, students gain insight into the historical dimensions of artistic works and cultivate a well-informed understanding of contemporary art from an art-historical perspective. Consequently, the programme fosters a critical perspective within the realm of contemporary art and encourages thoughtful contemplation of the idea that every artistic endeavor is situated within specific contexts.

Prof. Dr. Carolin Meister and Prof. Dr. Rainer Metzger oversee both teaching and research within the field of Art History/Art Science at the Kunstakademie Karlsruhe. The academic assistant Yul Koh MAis also involved in teaching. The course offerings are directed at all students in the Educator degree programme with a focus on Fine Arts as well as in the Diploma degree Fine Arts programme. The Kunstakademie Karlsruhe has the right to award doctorates in the field of Art History/Art Sciences. 

Notice: The language of instruction at the Kunstakademie Karlsruhe is German. Therefore, the study programmes and courses offered during the semester are presented and conducted in German. Please use an online translation tool if necessary.

→ Courses: Art History