Incoming Students
There are several good reasons for art students from both European and non-European countries to plan a study abroad period at the State Academy of Fine Arts Karlsruhe:
At the Karlsruhe Academy of Arts, internationally renowned artists teach. Karlsruhe is located at the heart of Europe, in the southwest of Germany, in the tri-border region of Germany, France, and Switzerland. Cross-border exchange is an everyday reality, even in the artistic fields.
Artistic practice is the core of education at the Academy, and it takes place in a studio-based setting. International guest students are integrated into the studio community under the guidance of an artistic professor. The exchange with fellow students happens through the studio courses.
International guest students present their works created during their stay at the Karlsruhe Academy in an exhibition open to the public.
Students from the European Union
European students can easily access a study abroad program at the Karlsruhe Academy through the ERASMUS+ program. The academy maintains numerous contacts with partner universities.
Non-European Exchange
Currently, the non-European exchange includes Africa (Kumasi/Ghana, Ouagadougou/Burkina Faso), South America (Mexico City/Mexico), and the USA (Minneapolis). These programs are funded by the state of Baden-Württemberg. International students, who come as incomings for a semester at the Karlsruhe Academy, also receive support. The Academy is working to expand non-European contacts and extend them to other countries and continents.
How to Apply
We are pleased that you wish to complete part of your studies at the State Academy of Fine Arts Karlsruhe within the framework of an exchange program. Please have your home university nominate you.
To apply, you will need the following:
- Application form for Erasmus + Incomings (download pdf)
- Application letter
- Portfolio
- CV
- Motivation letter
- Copy of university entrance qualification
- Copy of ID Please send these documents via email to Elke Eisold-Le-Comte. A postal application is optional.
Application Deadlines
- April 15 – Semester 1 (October to February)
- October 15 – Semester 2 (April to July)
- Flyer Incomings Englisch (pdf)
- Flyer Incomings français (pdf)
- Info-Flyer Deutsch (pdf)
- Info-Flyer Englisch (pdf)
- Info-Flyer Französisch (pdf)
Elke Eisold-Le Comte
International Office
Raum 301
Reinhold-Frank-Straße 67
76133 Karlsruhe
Telefon: +49 721 926 5236
E-Mail schreiben