Karlsruhe Cultural Scholarship
The higher education institutions – the Karlsruhe University of Music, the State Academy of Fine Arts, and the State University of Design – award scholarships to recipients based on nominations from the respective institutions. The goal of this financial support, as envisioned by the city of Karlsruhe and the city council, is to provide artists and musicians with an opportunity to work in Karlsruhe after completing their education, strengthen the connection between the city and the universities, and further solidify Karlsruhe's reputation as a city of the arts. The scholarship is valued at 20,000 euros.
2020: Ulrich Okujeni and Johanna Wagner, who shared the award.
Nancy Bejic-Pittman
Scholarship Office / Personnel Department
Administration Building
Room 301
Reinhold-Frank-Straße 67
76133 Karlsruhe
Tel.: +49 721 926 5229