Deutschland Scholarship
The Germany Scholarship is part of a funding programme established by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BmBF). This scholarship is open to students at the academy, regardless of nationality, age, number of semesters, or field of study. It provides a monthly stipend of 300 euros. Half of the funding is provided by the federal government, and the other half comes from a sponsor, which can be a company, private individual, foundation, and so forth.
Recipients of the scholarship are selected based on their talent and performance. Alongside academic achievements and personal accomplishments, factors such as social involvement, a willingness to shoulder responsibility, and unique social, familial, or personal circumstances - arising, for instance, from one's family background or migration history - are also taken into consideration.
Notice: Fot the exact periods, when the Deutschaland Scholarship is offered refer to the German webpage. There you can firther Information and links.
Our sponsors
Riemschneider Foundation, Karlsruhe
Sparkasse, Karlsruhe
Mr. and Mrs. Fröhner, Offenburg
Cris Ehman-Arnold, Karlsruhe
Herbert and Laura Regner Foundation, Karlsruhe
The scholarship holders
From April 1, 2022 to September 30, 2023:
Leo Linnhof (Riemschneider-Stiftung, Karlsruhe)
Mohammad Al Helal (Riemschneider-Stiftung, Karlsruhe)
Karin Mao (Sparkasse Karlsruhe)
From April 1, 2022 to September 30, 2024:
Leo Linnhof (Riemschneider-Stiftung, Karlsruhe)
Mohammad Al Helal (Riemschneider-Stiftung, Karlsruhe)
Karin Mao (Sparkasse Karlsruhe)
Khadija Al Ghanem, jetzt: Adam (Ehepaar Fröhner, Offenburg)
From October 1, 2023 to September 30, 2024:
Allmas Atta-Rafi (Herbert and Laura Regner Foundation)
Pauline Meyer (Sparkasse, Karlsruhe)
Karen Klöpfer (Riemschneider Foundation, Karlsruhe)
Amelie Kiener (Riemschneider Foundation, Karlsruhe)
From October 1, 2023 to September 30, 2025:
Yannik Schwendemann (Cris Ehman-Arnold)
From October 1, 2024 to September 30, 2025:
Clara Stang (Riemschneider-Stiftung)
Malte Römer (Riemschneider-Stiftung)
Lea Göhringer (Sparkasse Karlsruhe)
Noelle Marie Schmitt (Herbert u. Laura Regner Stiftung)
Nancy Bejic-Pittman
Scholarship Office / Personnel Department
Administration Building
Room 301
Reinhold-Frank-Straße 67
76133 Karlsruhe
Tel.: +49 721 926 5229