Studio Grant
The Karlsruhe Academy of Arts provides grants to support young visual artists from Baden-Württemberg by subsidising their studio rent. These grants are intended as start-up assistance for young artists. The grant is available to graduates and Masterclass students of the Karlsruhe Academy of Arts. The amount of the grant depends on allocated state funds, the level of rental costs, and the number of applicants.
Eligible to apply are all graduates who have successfully completed their studies in the Diploma Fine Arts programme at the Karlsruhe Academy of Arts within the past 5 years and have their primary residence as well as their studio in Baden-Württemberg.
Notice: The application period and important documents regarding the application for the Studio Grant can be found and are updated on the German webpage.
Nancy Bejic-Pittman
Scholarship Office / Personnel Department
Administration Building
Room 301
Reinhold-Frank-Straße 67
76133 Karlsruhe
Tel.: +49 721 926 5229