Student Funding
For the allocation of student scholarships and financial support, factors such as artistic talent, financial need, social engagement, or religious affiliation may be relevant. The conditions are defined by the scholarship providers. The application process can also vary: sometimes the application is made upon the university's recommendation, while in other cases, it is based on the student's own initiative.
Graduate Funding
After graduation, Fine Arts Diploma programme students embark on self-employment as an artist. The path towards establishing this entrepreneurial form is facilitated with support from the Ministry of Science, Research and Art in Baden-Württemberg. Moreover, various other institutions also contribute to assisting young artists in this endeavour.
Partner institutions such as the Kunstbüro of the Kunststiftung Baden-Württemberg or the Stiftung Kunstfonds in Bonn provide information about current funding opportunities for young artists in their newsletters.
Nancy Bejic-Pittman
Scholarship Office / Personnel Department
Administration Building
Room 301
Reinhold-Frank-Straße 67
76133 Karlsruhe
Tel.: +49 721 926 5229