Educator of Fine Arts at Secondary Level (Gymnasium Level)

Bachelor's and Master's Programme 

What does it mean to become an artist if you are going to become a teacher?

The Kunstakademie Karlsruhe trains future teachers for the subject of Fine Arts at secondary education level schools. As with the study of Fine Arts, the teacher training programme is also characterized by independent artistic work in the individual studio in classroom as well as technical courses in the workshops. Seminars in theoretical subjects such as Art History, Art and Theory, Educational Science and Art Didactics in Fine Arts are also obligatory. The course of study in both Painting/Graphics and Sculpture is divided into a Bachelor's degree and a subsequent Master's degree.

In addition to the specialised major in Fine Arts, a scientific major can be studied at a partnering university with an applicable subject combination. Alternatively, the Kunstakademie Karlsruhe offers the artistic-scientific furthering subject Intermedial Design (IMG) as one of the possible afore mentioned second scientific majors. The subprogramme, which is unique in this form, is offered in cooperation with the architecture faculty of the Institute of Technology in Karlsruhe (KIT). The dimensions of space and time as an artistic form as well as a social phenomenon are the focus here. Thematic foci of the subprogramme are lifeworld and environment, body and space, architecture, performance, structures of time, and digital media.

The eight-semester long Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.) degree programme is in turn followed by a four-semester Master of Education (M.Ed) degree programme.

Notice: Please note that only selected parts of the Academy's website and documents are available in English. For comprehensive information, we recommend referring to the German version of the website or the German documents and using an online translation tool if needed. We appreciate your understanding.

Info Flyer Teacher Training (PDF)