FAQ: Application
What is the difference between the Diploma programme Fine Arts and the Artistic Educator programmes?
The Kunstakademie Karlsruhe offers two main programmes: the Diploma Fine Arts programme and the Fine Arts Education programme. The Fine Arts programme aims to foster artistic independence, allowing students to pursue art as a profession. It provides more flexibility with fewer mandatory courses, giving students greater freedom for studio or workshop work. This programme culminates in a diploma.
On the other hand, the Artistic Educator programmes, available at both Bachelor's and Master's degree levels, are designed to prepare students for teaching Fine Arts at school offering secondary education level. (In Germany: Gymnasium) In addition to art-focused courses, students engage with subjects like Art History, Educational Science, and Didactics. They also complete school internships. Furthermore, students choose an academic major at a collaborating university, or alternatively, they may opt for Intermedial Design (IMG) at the Kunstakademie Karlsruhe.
Are students of the Diploma programme Fine Arts and the Aritistic Educaor programme trained separately?
No, Diploma Fine Arts students and Bachelor's and Master's degree Educator students are educated together in an art class, a unique feature at Kunstakademie Karlsruhe. This fosters a collaborative environment where future artists and teachers learn together artistically.
How does class study work?
An art class typically comprises around 20 students from various courses and semesters. Each student is assigned their own studio space. The class is led by an artistic professor, who in turn is an distinguised artist themselves. Furthermore the academy emphasises student interaction within and outside the class.
What opportunities for artistic expression are there?
It is the task of art students to explore their artistic interests and determine what they want to work on. Artistic professors, fellow students, and technical teachers in the workshops offer guidance on this journey. Students also engage in theoretical discussions about fundamental questions of artistic practice through participation in art history, philosophy, and related seminars. The Academy provides numerous opportunities for artistic development and experimentation.
Who tells me what is right or wrong in art?
There is no definitive "right or wrong" in art. Through discourse with professors and fellow students, one’s artistic development is furthered. It is about describing a path that has no clear right or wrong but involves many experiments and detours
Does all this also apply to students that are enrolled as an Artistic Educator?
In terms of artistic practice in the class structure: yes! However, they have a more extensive curriculum, including Didactic and Educational Science courses, as well as school internships. They also pursue a second major, which can be a scientific subject at a collaborating university (KIT, University of Heidelberg and Mannheim) or the partial course of studies Intermedial Design (IMG), which can be taken at the Kunstakademie Karlsruhe in cooperation with the architecture faculty of the KIT.
What is IMG?
IMG is an artistic-scientific broadening subject that provides a deeper engagement with artistic questions, particularly focusing on spatial and temporal dimensions. While it qualifies students to teach at secondary education level schools (Gymnasium level), it's exclusive to students that aspire to be Artistic Educators.
What scientific second major can I study? Where do I apply?
Students have a wide range of second major options, which can be found on the academy's website. Application for the major in Fine Arts is submitted to the academy through the application portal. For the second subject, students apply at a collaborating university. The application for IMG can be made after the second semester, also through the application portal.
How long does a course of study take?
For Diploma degree students, the standard period of study is 10 semesters leading up to the Diploma examination. Afterward, there's the possibility to apply for the further study programme "the Masterclass Student Programme" with a standard duration of two semesters.
For Artistic Educator students:
In the Bachelor of Fine Arts programme, the standard period is 8 semesters, followed by a 4-semester Master of Education programme. The latter includes a practical school semester, involving teaching experiments at a seconary level school and a supervised research project. The programme concludes with the award of a Master of Education (M. Ed.), preparing graduates for a traineeship at a secondary level school. (Gymnasium)
Is it only possible to choose between Painting/Graphics or Sculpture at the Karlsruhe Art Academy?
While the academy distinguishes between specializations like Painting/Graphics and Sculpture, the programmes are characterised by an openness to contemporary artistic expression. Students also have the opportunity to explore photography, film, performance, object art, and more. The classes offer a wide range of artistic diversity, so it's advisable to research the orientation of the artistic professors before applying and to submit a class request as part of the application. In addition to traditional art based workshops, for stone, metal, woodworking or printing techniques, the Kunstakademie Karlsruhe also offers workshops with specialised instructors for photography, video or typography.
How should the application portfolio, which is digitally uploaded, look?
For both the Diploma Fine Arts and Artistic Educator programmes, applicants submit a digital portfolio containing photos of their own artistic works via the application portal APP. The samples of work thus compiled in a PDF file must not exceed 10 MB in size. For the sculpture specialization, at least one photograph of a three-dimensional work must also be included. The works should showcase the applicant's artistic qualifications and can encompass various forms of artistic expression. Neither stylistic skills are required, nor do the works have to be created under certain conditions. Artwork from school classes is generally not suitable for this purpose. Additionally, during the selection process, original work samples must be submitted for the oral examination.
The portfolio with the original work samples must not exceed the maximum size of DIN A 0 (90 x 125cm) and must contain a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 20 self-made work samples. In addition, when applying for the sculpture specialization, one or two original three-dimensional objects must be submitted in addition to the original work samples in the portfolio.
For internal applications to the Master's Degree Artistic Educator programme, the Intermedial Design subprogramme, and the further education programme Masterclass Student Programme, no work samples need to be uploaded or submitted.
Are there portfolio consultation appointments?
No, there are no portfolio consultations. However, study consultations with a professor are offered shortly before and during the application period.