Offers for Prospective Students

Prospective Students are encouraged to contact the Karlsruhe Academy of Arts early on. Several options are available for this purpose:


Academic Counseling

The head of Student Services, Danilo Postumo, offers academic counseling by appointment. He requests prior contact to schedule the consultation. 

During the application phase, counseling sessions with Prof. Kalin Lindena are available. Advance registration with Danilo Postumo is requested.



Talent Workshop "Before the Beginning"

The Academy of Fine Arts Karlsruhe opens its doors to young prospective artists who are still in school education: As part of the workshop for gifted students " Vor dem Anfang" (Before the Beginning ), talented students and prospective students between the ages of 16 and 21 will have the opportunity to get to know the studios, workshops, exhibitions, and theoretical and practical courses offered by the Academy during the fall vacation in the German state of Baden-Württemberg. The participants realize their own works. The exchange with like-minded people and the enrolled students as well as the professors and workshop instrutors offers a special opportunity to try out, develop and present oneself in a professional artistic environment.

Five to seven candidates with a recognizable talent for artistic work are selected by a jury of experts for the five-day workshop.

The basis of the application is a pdf containing photographs of work samples and a motivation letter. The deadline for applications is September 1 of each year. 

The project is sponsored by the BDK Fachverband für Kunstpädagogik Baden-Württemberg.

Notice: For specific dates for the application for the talent workshop "Before the Beginning", please refer to the German webpage. In general, applications must be submitted by early September. The workshop takes place from the end of October until the beginning of November.

Apply here

Flyer "Before the Beginning"



Study Information Day

The Karlsruhe Academy of Arts participates in the central Study Information Day of Baden-Württemberg, which takes place every year on the Wednesday before Advent (mid/late November). During this event, prospective students from the upper levels of high school can learn about studying at the Karlsruhe Academy of Arts. Those who have already completed their high school diploma or who have pursued other educational paths are also very welcome to attend.

Notice: Please refer to the German webpage for further information and links about the Study Information Day. The notice board there is regularly updated.



Visit to the Summer Exhibition

A visit to the summer exhibition at the end of the academic year in mid-July is a great opportunity to explore the Karlsruhe Academy of Arts and see the works of the students. All studios are opened as exhibition spaces where students showcase their work.

Special guided tours are offered to schools during the Student Morning of the half-week exhibition, typically held on Fridays. Interested parties can contact the University Communications for participation.However, mailings encopassing invitations will also be sent to  schools in- and outside of Karlsruhe.

Notice: For further information and dates regarding the Summer Exhibition, please refer to the German webpage. You can also stay updated on the News Page. The notice board in the German version is regularly updated.