University Law
Here you will find a selection of laws and ordinances that are of importance in the university world, as well as the regulations issued by the Academy on the basis of its own statutory law through the Senate. In addition, important internal guidelines can be found here.
Legal collection of the Academy (from A to Z)
- General Fee Statutes
- Scholarship statutes
- Announcement Statutes
- Code of Conduct
- Data Protection Statutes
- Evaluation Statutes
- Excursion Regulations
- Rules of Procedure ofthe University Council (current version)
- Rules of Procedure of the Personnel Committee
- Rules of Procedure of the Rectorate
- Rules of Procedure of the Student Parliament
- Basic Regulations
- Bylaws
- Organizational Statutes of the Constituted Student Body
- Doctoral Regulations
- Guideline of the Rectorate for Lectureships
- Guideline of the Rectorate for Guest Lectures
- Directive for Protection against Discrimination, Sexual Harassment and Violence RiDSBG
- Statutes for the granting of studio subsidies
- Statutes for the German Scholarship
- Statutes for the Implementation of the State Graduate Scholarship Act
- Rules of Procedure
- Guidelines for awarding merit pay
- Election regulations
- Election regulations of the constituted student body
- Admission and matriculation regulations
Study and examination regulations
- Study Regulations BA-Teaching (current version)
- Study Regulations MA-Teaching (current version)
- Study Regulations BA-Teaching Partial Course IMG (current version)
- Study Regulations MA-Teaching Partial Course IMG (current version)
- Study and Examination Regulations Diploma in Liberal Arts
- Continuing Education Statutes
- Examination Regulations BA-Teaching (current version)
- Examination Regulations MA-Teaching (current version)
Module manuals for teaching degree programs
- Module Handbook BA-Teaching
- Module Handbook MA-Teaching
- Module Handbook BA-Teaching with IMG
- Module Handbook MA-Teaching with IMG
State law
- Equal Opportunity Act
- State Higher Education Act
- State Fees Act
- State Higher Education Fees Act
- State Budget Code
- State Civil Service Act
- State Data Protection Act
- State Personnel Representation Act
Federal law and laws requiring posting
- General Equal Treatment Act (AGG)
- Labor Court Act (ArbGG)
- Occupational Safety Act (ArbSchG)
- Occupational Safety Act (ASiG)
- Workplace ordinance (ArbStättV)
- Working Hours Act (ArbZG)
- Working hours and vacation ordinance (AzUVO)
- Industrial safety ordinance (BetrSichV)
- German Civil Code (BGB)
- Federal Parental Allowance and Parental Leave Act (BEEG)
- Federal Vacation Act (BUrlG)
- Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG)
- Basic Data Protection Regulation (DSGVO)
- Continued Remuneration Act (EFZG)
- Ordinance on Hazardous Substances (GefStoffV)
- Youth Employment Protection Act (JArbSchG)
- Dismissal Protection Act (KSchG)
- Minimum Wage Act (MiLoG)
- Maternity Protection Act (MuSchG)
- Verification Act (NachwG)
- Nursing Time Act (PflegeZG)
- PPE Usage Ordinance (PPE-BV)
- Social Security Code Book IX (SGB IX)
- Collective Agreement TV-L
- Part-Time and Fixed-term Employment Act (TzBfG)
- Accident prevention regulation (DGUV regulation 1)
- Ordinance on preventive occupational medicine (ArbMedVV)
- Ordinance on maternity protection for female civil servants
Further laws and ordinances
can be downloaded free of charge from the website of the Federal Ministry of Justice or from the service page of the state of Baden-Württemberg.
The Legal Advisor is responsible for all legal questions and legal matters that arise. She works closely with the Chancellor, the governing bodies and the administrative departments of the Academy. The aim is always to find solutions to the wide range of issues that are both legally sound and practical.
Heiderose Issem
Legal Assistant
Administration Building
Room 306
Reinhold-Frank-Straße 67
76133 Karlsruhe
Tel.: +49 721 926 5223